The coordinator of TTAL, Prof. Dr. Hediye Tuydes Yaman and Res. Asst. Gülçin Dalkıç Melek participated to AAIT 3rd International Conference New Scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability organized by Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering in Rome, Italy (September 14-17, 2022). Two research papers were presented as a dissemination activity of “Evaluation of the public transportation performance and accessibility (PT-P&A) based on Smart Card data” project funded by Royal Academy of Engineering, UK.
Participation in “European Mobility Week Workshop”
The head of our research group, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hediye Tuydes Yaman has participated as an invited speaker in the 7th session of the “European Mobility Week Workshop”, organized online by the Transportation Engineering Club, on the 16-23th of September and shared her knowledge and views on the transportation and mobility.
Participation in “1st Concrete Roads Congress and Exhibition”
Our TTAL group has participated in the “1st Concrete Roads Congress and Exhibition” held on November,13-14 in Ankara.
Participation in “Smart Future World Expo: Smart Technologies Summit and Fair”
Our group member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hediye Tuydes Yaman has participated as an invited speaker to the “Smart Future World Expo: Smart Technologies Summit and Fair” held on October-30-31 in Istanbul.
Within the scope of the event on the panel titled “Cities of the Future: Being a Digital City and Intelligent Transport”, Dr. Tuydes Yaman was made a presentation on “Smart Transport in Smart Cities”.
Dr. Tuydes Yaman emphasized the importance of using car sharing/shared mobility systems to reduce vehicle-kms instead of increasing the use of private cars in urban transportation with new generation vehicles (electric, connected, autonomous, etc.) after mentioning the developments that can be provided especially in public transportation systems with the support of ITS.
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About Ankara Bike Lane Project
Our Researcher Appeared on Press with His Study
Our researcher Dr. Oruc Altıntasi appeared on press with the his study including “Intelligent Traffic Management System”. With this study, the duration of the lighting of the lights, which have an important role in the regulation of traffic flow, can be planned according to the density in real time.
For more information, please click here1.
For more information, please click here2.
Our Visitors from National Taiwan University (NTU)
National Taiwan University (NTU) Rector and Delegation visited our Civil Engineering department and our Travel and Traffic Analysis Laboratory (TTAL) on the 4th of July, 2019.
Dr. Hediye Tuydes-Yaman made a presentation about our researches and studies. A briefing was made for future researches and colloborations.
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Kickoff Meeting of Project of Performance and Accessibility Assessment of Public Transport Systems Based on Smart Card Data
Within the scope of the Katip Çelebi-Newton Fund Industry-Academy Partnership Program, the kickoff meeting of our “Evaluation of Public Transportation Performance and Accessibility (PT-P&A) based on Smart Card Data” project supported by Royal Academy of Engineering was held on April 29th, 2019 at Civil Eng. Conference Hall with the participation of representatives from British Embassy, The Scientific and Technology Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), METU Rectorate, METU Biltir Research Center, Parabol Software (METU Technopolis), METU Transportation and Traffic Research Laboratory (TTAL) and Dr. Caitlin Cotrill from University of Aberdeen (UK) and Head of Civil Engineering Department.
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Our Project within Katip Çelebi-Newton Industry-Academy Partnership Program
Katip Çelebi-Newton Industry-Academy Partnership Program
“Evaluation of Public Transportation Performance and Accessibility (PT-P&A) based on Smart Card Data”
Within the scope of the Katip Çelebi-Newton Fund Industry-Academy Partnership Program, “Evaluation of Public Transportation Performance and Accessibility (PT-P&A) based on Smart Card Data” project was supported by Royal Academy of Engineering. The 2-year project will be carried out by the collaboration of Middle East Technical University- Transportation and Traffic Research Laboratory, METU Biltir Research Center, University of Aberdeen (UK) and Parabol Software (METU Technopolis). In the scope of the project, smart card data of Konya Metropolitan Municipality will be analyzed and the main travel patterns will be investigated. In addition to these data, the spatial data will be visualized in the GIS by means of spatiotemporal maps which will lead to determine the most demanded TT lines and stops and accessibility of the stops. The project is expected to assess the performance of public transport systems and to develop recommendations for a better public transportation serving the needs of the population and thus contributing to economic development and social mobility.
Project budget: £48,833
Project duration: 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2021 (24 Months)
Award from Turkish Road Association (TRA)
Our graduate student Ege Cem Saltık was awarded for their M.Sc. Thesis (Evaluation of Approach Leg Capacities at a Signalized Urban Roundabout -Kent İçi Sinyalize Dönel Kavşak Kollarında Kapasite Değerlendirilmesi).
For more info, please click here.
We congratulate him and wish him continued success.